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What is the magic of the car laser radar

As one of the most important sensor automatic driving vehicle, vehicle automatic driving play green astronomy laser radar in the "war" in the tide of the role is more and more important, such as Google, Baidu, BMW, BOSCH, Delphi and other enterprises, in the automatic driving system used in laser radar, laser radar vehicle driving industry expanded rapidly.
Lidar also called vehicle 3D laser scanner is a kind of mobile 3D laser scanning system, by transmitting and receiving the laser beam, the analysis of laser target after reentry encounter time, calculate the relative distance between the target and the car, and the collection of the target object surface due to the dense point 3D coordinates, reflectance information, rapid rehabilitation of 3D models and various data objects, 3D point cloud, draw the map, in order to achieve the purpose of environmental perception.
Currently on the market are more common 8 lines, 16 lines and 32 line laser radar, the 64 line products, but relatively few. From the results, the more burning laser beam, the higher the accuracy of measurement, the higher the security.

With other auto induction identification technology (standard radar and millimeter wave radar) compared to laser radar has high range resolution, the angular resolution and velocity resolution, and high detection precision, wide detection range; strong anti-interference ability; can obtain real-time information more abundant, can directly obtain the target distance and angle reflection, strength, speed and other information, to generate the target multi dimension image. Another advantage is that the environmental limitations of brightest laser pointer radar work is relatively small, that is, both in the daytime or at night can be used normally, does not depend on the external lighting conditions or the radiation characteristics of the target itself.
Although you can work all day long, but the effect of laser radar is easily affected by the weather, such as rain, fog and other weather conditions, its detection performance will become poor, especially in the snowy day, using laser radar to perceive the surrounding environment or navigation, camera will appear unable to recognize the lane, unable to draw a map of the environment effectively so, it is difficult to guarantee the safety of the real.
This is why now many automatic driving technology research and development of automotive manufacturers in the field test, not specifically for the snow and extreme temperature environment to do the test, is a difficult problem that is still very difficult to overcome. On the other hand, blue laser pointer radar harness price is more expensive, the cost of the problem can be said to be a big disadvantage, but as mentioned above, multi wire harness high price means high measurement accuracy, for driving safety, is still high laser radar currently occupy the mainstream position, but the low cost is the current development trend.
At present, the products and manufacturers of the laser radar are mainly abroad, including Velodyne, Quanegy and IBEO. Laser radar products mainly in the domestic 2D laser radar mainly used for topographic mapping, building surveying, home service robot and other fields, but there are also some new start-up companies will try to introduce the laser radar auto industry, then we may see the laser radar products more and more on the market.

Overall, the 3000mw green laser radar industry is still a drop in the bucket, but with the vigorous development of unmanned technology, laser Lei Dazheng has experienced a positive period, overcome some technical problems but also with low cost point the day and await for it, and one day, our own domestic car will be equipped with such a balance between technology and security configuration.


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