
121 ()
57.5kg 26.8%

oh, crap! i gain weight again!
my mom come to my home every week, and she bring many sweets and goody. i want her not to tempt me with such a goody... i would eat anything and everything right in front of my eyes. that's not good habit, but it's hard to stop.

today i ate a cookies alhtough i'm not allowed to eat too much... it's key to make a diet a success that i don't eat leftovers.

i went for a walk two times today. but i couldn't move acitively because i have baby. if i keep eating as i am, i will be a pig. i make great effort to a diet. otherwise, i fall into disfavor with my habby... as i love him, i devote myself to diet!


※ いいね!の名前について

